Page name: The River Torast [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-06 22:36:17
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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The River Torast

Semedia: Dragon Knights

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This river leads to the Lake of Ishan. It is wide and impossible to cross without a boat.
The river is deep and flows at a fast pace; small driftwood is swept down the river.
Most of the bank is bordered by large boulders and jagged rocks.
Trees fringe various areas along its bank.
The water has an almost blue-colored tint to it. It looks fairly calm, but you realize that it is faster then it appears.

The Lake of Ishan

Saverad and Zateria's hut

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2007-11-26 [Lirerial]: *Zataria steps out of her portal and looks around puzzledly* great..this is what I get for not paying attention to where I'm going...*she scents the air carefully for danger* I think I like it here...

2007-11-27 [Silver Moon]: *feels at peace, there is no hostility in the air*

2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *smiles happily* now...I just have to get Saverad here with me...and convince him to stay

2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: The sounds of wildlife could be heard around her

2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *sighs contentedly and brings her shadows forth* Now I want a small comfortable shelter for two people... *she whispered quietly into the air at her shadows, who then drifted into the woods as she steps through a portal and goes to find Saverad*

2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *the portal leaves them both stands, whle all around them Zataria's shadows have carefully cleared out a clearing*

2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: Saverad looked around in wonder. " still doesn't solve the curse.."

2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: *nodds* I know...I already took care of it *she smiles happily*

2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: He turned and looked at her in surprise.""

2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: I've made a deal with Garathias...he removed your curse and in place I can complete my last assignment *she smiles happily*

2007-11-29 [Silver Moon]: Saverad drew back and looked at her worriedly. "What do you mean "made a deal with Garaithias?!"He isn't to be trusted!"

2007-11-29 [Lirerial]: this time I think he can'll be out of the way...*she blinks* and if he sends anyone else to kill you like before...well..they just won't come back

2007-11-30 [Silver Moon]: *hugs her tightly and kisses her* "I hope you are right you are free too?"

2007-12-01 [Lirerial]: *nodds happily* My last assignment is to stay with you and keep you from interferring with him *hugs and kisses him* I missed you

2007-12-04 [Silver Moon]: He tensed at her words and hugged her tightly. "I don't think I can comply with his wishes...I made a vow.."

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *pulls away to look at him* what?

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: He looked down a little. "I made a vow to free my homelands..I will not fail.."

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *she looks down dejectedly* please stay with me... *she whispered*

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: He hugged her tightly. "I love you more than life itself...I will stay but I have to help them...I made a vow."

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: Help them from here use me...but please don't go into the borders...

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: "Zateria...I don't want to place you in danger..." He whispered as he kissed her gently on the lips.

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *wraps her arms around his neck and stares into his eyes* I don't care...I don't want to lose you again

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: "I don't want to lose you either.." He whispered as he kissed her. "Let's find a shelter.."

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *she nodds quietly and turns her head and you can see her shadows have dispeared and a small rough, but still homely looking cabin is nestled between two large trees*

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: Saverad smiled a little as he lead the way to the cabin and held the door for her. "After you love."

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *smiles and walks past him into the cabin*

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: He followed her in and looked around with a smile. "Cozy.." His eyes fell on the bed and they widened. "Umm..Zateria..only one bed?"

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *smiles up at him* your my mate aren't you? *she sits down on the edge of the bed*

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: Saverad nodded with a slight shiver. "Umm..yes..but I am still getting used to that fact." He said as he sat next to her.

2007-12-06 [Lirerial]: *watches him carefully* are you ok? *she asks hesitantly*

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: "Yes..I will be love."He whispered with a smile.

<go to the hut*

2007-12-06 [Silver Moon]: *********************************************************

2008-10-27 [Lirerial]: *Zataria stepped out of the shadows her face twisted in mental anguish as she felt the pain Saverad felt. She set down the girl gently and scented the air for a trace of her mate. She shuddered violently and coughed hoarsely, with another curse she glances at the frightened child and forces herself to sit down, desperate to find Saverad but unable to leave a child in a new place.* 

2008-10-27 [Silver Moon]: W...what's..wrong?" Siya asked looking around. She looked a little scared but more concerned for Zateria.

2008-10-28 [Lirerial]: My mate...somethings wrong...*she hisses through clenched teeth. A tear rolls down her cheek and she dips her hand into her shadows and pulls out a handful, the shadows in her hand whirl around take the form of a black ferret. She hands the animal to Siya* Go inside the house...keep him with you *shivers in pain and pushes her towards the house, she leaves her shadows with Siya keeping enough only to form her teleport to Saverad*

2008-10-28 [Silver Moon]: Siya rushes inside

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: Siya looked around staying close to the door.

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: [The ferret chittered unhappily in her ear, and moved restlessly from one side of her neck to the other]

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: "What? I..just wont to look long has she been?"

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: [It subsided although its crimson eyes were darting around the clearing, alert for any form of danger]

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: Something dark lurked a few feet away hidden in the tree line, Siya started to walk toward the river

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: [The ferret, wary of danger, slipped down the neckline of her shirt although its head still watched]

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: The dark thing slowly stalked foreword.

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: [The ferret's eyes widened in surprise and let out a bloodcurdling screech as it scratched at her neck urgently]

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: She stopped and looked she screamed and rushed toward the door. The dark thing lurched in from of the door blocking them from getting in.

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: [Shadows flowed out from beneath the trees and enveloped the creature, whirling about it as they developed spikes]

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: It snarled and slashed, another creature landed behind Siya and knocked her down. She screamed in fear.

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: [The ferret bit into the creature]
*Zataria leapt out from the shadows, her eyes flashed silver as she leapt towards the nearest creature and sank her teeth into its throat*

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: One of the creatures sliced Siya across the back and she screamed in agony

2008-11-09 [Lirerial]: *Zataria leapt for her, shifting her form as she moved and slashing the creature in the face with her claws, she laughed out loud and swep Siya into her arms then teleporting them both into the northern caves*
((sry gotta go for the night))

2008-11-09 [Silver Moon]: *********************

2008-11-24 [Lirerial]: *A portal opened in the middle of the clearing and Zataria stepped out*

2008-11-24 [Silver Moon]: Saverad lead the way to the hut with the boy and Siya.

2008-11-24 [Lirerial]: *She followed*

2008-11-24 [Silver Moon]: *******

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *Zataria walked out and sat at the edge of the river, she stared sadly into the water as she used her claws to shred random sticks and leaves into shreds. It was a nervous habit she'd picked up years ago, it meant that she was deeply troubled.*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: "Problem?" Came a voice from nearby

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *she glanced around, although she didn't act completely interested*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: A silvery white wolf stood there. "You should be happy, you have your mate and pups. Or are the pups the problem?"

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *she glanced at the wolf emotionless* No, the pups are fun..I guess. *she sighed and buried her face in her hands* I just don't know if I'm ready for this... *she sounds like she's on the verge of tears and if she's still hiding something*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: The wolf trotted up to her. "You have more on the're pregnant. After you invoked the three moons it removed what enchantment had been placed on you.....what are you hiding child?"

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: pr...pregnant? *she looks horrified and abruptly bursts into tears* No...No...*she moans as she rocks back and forth*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: "What is wrong?"

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *she shakes her head* I can't be pregnant... When I was young I was given a reading by an old gypsy...I would have a child...she would be a lycan like me and the greatest who ever worked for Selune, beating Garathias forever. But she would kill me. *she starts crying again, although its hard to tell if she's crying over her impending death or the defeat of her master*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: "Fortunes can be changed. Do you believe Saverad would allow your child to do that?
He had a fortune that read of his death, if it had happened he would be dead. Do not read too much into the fortunes of others."

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *she's still miserable* I don't like children...It disgusted me, the idea of having a child inside of me.... *her claws are tearing even bigger chunks from the sticks as her agitation grows*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: "You will grow to love the child, I know...mother." She said before rushing off into the trees

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *Zataria stares after it, then turns back to the river, her eyes dull and lifeless as her fingers work with the woods almost desperately. She seems to not have heard its finaly words*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: A few hours pass and Saverad came to stand behind her, he gently wrapped his arms around her waist. "What's wrong love?"

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *she shakes her head saying nothing, but turned and buries her face in his shoulder as she cries*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: He stroked her hair and gently rocked her. "Zateria...please tell me what's wrong?"

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: I'm pregnant...*she chokes out, saying the word as if it was the worst curse in the world*

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: "Wa...but you said you couldn't..."

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: *she cries even harder* I wasn't supposed to...but the took away the block...*she gasps as she talks, and he can feel her desperation with each word* ((gotta go lol(heh don't like kids much...even in rl)))

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: he gently scooped her up. "It's all right...we will get through you not want a child that bad?" He asked sadly.
((ok see ya))

2008-12-02 [Lirerial]: No *she whimpers* a small baby....crying although time*her body stiffens with rage just thinking about it* I don't have that kind of patience

2008-12-02 [Silver Moon]: "I will help you...we are together we will find a way..."

2008-12-03 [Lirerial]: *she nodds slowly, although she didn't look up from his chest. Her sobs subsided*

2008-12-03 [Silver Moon]: He gently caressed her hair

2008-12-03 [Lirerial]: *she abruptly pulls away.* Saverad...I'm going to run a bit...if I'm really pregant I won't be able to do that soon. *her voice breaks*

2008-12-03 [Silver Moon]: He stroked her cheek. "be you want me too come or watch the children?"

2008-12-03 [Lirerial]: *she shakes her head slowly* I just...I want to be alone for a bit...* she whispers then shifts her shape and runs into the woods*

2008-12-03 [Silver Moon]: He walked back to the house, worried for her

2009-05-27 [loonygirl2005]: **************************************************************
-both sisters make it- Wow nice place. is lovely. Raven is wanting to end Zataria's life.

2009-05-27 [Silver Moon]: they spotted the cottage and could here children playing inside

2009-05-27 [loonygirl2005]: ************************************************************

2009-05-27 [Silver Moon]: ((children are in the hut))

2009-05-27 [loonygirl2005]: ((Is there a seperate place to go))

2009-05-27 [Silver Moon]: (((Saverad and Zateria's hut the link is on this page)))

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku:-looks around for fruit for the children-

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: she spots some apples and some berry bushes

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: -goes to pick the berries but feels someone watching her- WHO IS THERE!

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: *no response*

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: -was leery and hurries to pick berries and some apples near-by-

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: Something moved out of the corner of her eye

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku:-puts th food in her bag and gets defensive- WHO IS THERE

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: She saw nothing again

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: -is torn on what to do ig if she heads back to the hut it could follow her, if she doesn't then she may get kidnapped- What do you want? Somebody help me

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: I want the children.

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: Why?

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: Food from the master.

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: What if I refuse to hand them over?

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: They will have to come out eventually

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: -She gathers a large amount of food- I will never let them fall in your hands. Why don't you pick on someone who is your height.

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: *laughter* We shall see little kitten

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: WHO ARE YOU CALLING A KITTEN!?

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: *laughter*

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: Are you toying with me? What is so funny Mr.Shadow?

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: you are, you're lucky he wants you sparred

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: Sparred for what? Do you know my name? please tell me no.

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: "Minoku, and your sister is Lilian or lily. Your brothers are Roke, Saverad, and....oh yes not allowed to tell that other one"*laughs*

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: Oh Damn I am in trouble. So am I the only one to be sparred?

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: "perhaps."

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: I can tell that your master needs more than just me. However once he is done using me and Lilly, we will die is that right Mr. Shadow. -still collects food and plans to do a gutsy move-

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: *silence*

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: Minoku: Oh no witty retort or cryptic message. How disappointing. -makes sure the food is in a pile- Goddess hear my plea send this food to those I love and the pups you sent Lilly and I to protect

2009-05-28 [Silver Moon]: Minoku my child, you can take the food back to them, there is protection around the hut they can't enter. your challenge will come when it comes time to move the children

2009-05-28 [loonygirl2005]: I will need something to carry the food though. I can only carry so much. I won't risk them being without someone to watch them.

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